I use to be one of the most popular explorer. my friend harry me and him went exploring together everyday and see all the beautiful wildlife until we meet one of the most hideous creatures on earth, the stampede. we both knew what it was and ran away but he started to chase us but while we were running he tripped and I tried to pick up when he fell down he told me to go on without me so I run as I look behind me to see him getting eaten. That was the most horrible day ever because I lost my best friend.
on Tuesday room 8, 9 and 10 walked to the hall because people from Kelly tarltons came over to tell us about sea life. our guiders were Pj, Alissa and Emma.
they first gave us 4 different artifacts from the sea. then, we played a game, each teacher had to hold up a card and it was say different options to choose. for example: hide under a rock, find a tide pool and dive into the ocean.
Next, they split us in half, one group Alissa talked to us about rubbish and turtles and the other group talked to us about fishing and hunting fish.
finally, they said there good byes and went home. it was really fun.
It was the best feeling in my life I have never had before. So as I start my engine and as the person counting start counting I close my eyes and take a really deep breath.Then I breath out and as he says go i open my eyes and go speeding on my bike as fast as I can. I was trying to catch up to the person coming 1st. The man coming first was so fast because he was going so fast he would beat a cheetah in a race. So as i beat the guy coming 2nd me and this guy were in a tie. I knew we were thinking the same thing because i saw that look in his eyes.
so then he turns to me and had one hand on the handles and put his helmet up and smiled at me. Both of us were super close to the finish line but as he put his helmet back down he was just about to put his hand on the handle but there was a log in front of him. I was trying to say to him and yell at him “watch out watch out !!” he just would not listen at all. So his bike tripped on the log and he fell down and as he tripped I past the finish line and won the race! I was not to proud of it cause it just didn’t feel right somehow I just didn’t feel as much as a champion like all my other races i was so pumped when I won but now the feeling that i had at the start of the race just goes away, so when I got off i ran as fast as I could to go and help him and the ambulance was there too. So I got off took him to the ambulance and after that day he was never to be seen by anybody ever again….. 2 years later….. I was walking and walking until right in front of my feet lightning and when the lightning left i saw a person it took me a minute to recognize when i saw him. As I notice him I said “no no no no it can’t be!”
US President Donald Trump has signed a new law that will make it easier for New Zealanders to trade or invest in the United States
The new act is technically called the Knowledgeable Innovators and Worthy Investors Act or Kiwi Act. It allows New Zealanders to apply for special trade and investment visas.
Scientists have reconfirmed that remnants of the world famous Pink and White Terraces lie at the bottom of Lake Rotomahana.
In an article published this week in the Journal of The Royal Society of New Zealand, the scientists said they stand by research they conducted five years ago that came to a similar conclusion.
Tauranga’s Patrick Lam, is officially the king of New Zealand pies.
Last week he won has won his sixth Bakels New Zealand Supreme Pie Award with a roast pork and creamy mushroom pie.
He has won the award more than any other competitor nationwide in the competition’s 22-year history.
One day in the classroom we did things with our Deputy Principal Ms Wrack. We did things like breaking Chromebooks and making scratch games it was just super fun. When I started I first did play dough but it was boring so then I went and made a scratch game and it is hard but it's very cool, then I went and did my cats moment in time and finished it , then next I went and broke the chrome books and that was a really big disaster because we had to put them back together but we did not know so we just broke them and we were going to get in trouble but we didn't get in trouble. I really enjoyed it because it was just super fun and we got to do lots of fun things. I was frustrated because I did not know what to do when I did the play dough we had to do it about fire and ace but it was to hard so i skipped it. I think we should do more of scratch because I love making games but you need to put so much effort just to do one thing but after all it is something that is so cool to do. I think Ms Wrack needs to do more fun stuff because the only fun part was creating a scratch game and and breaking Chromebooks but the rest of the stuff was not fun. This is the scratch game that I made - enjoy!
In the world cup of soccer two of the most best and most loved ones have lost in a game so i guess you can say bye-bye to them. They were so awesomely good, messi lost 4-3 ronald lost 1-2. They were both gone on round 16 which it really cool. All of their fans are going to be so mad because there most favorite, most loved, most awesome are leaving the world cup of soccer.
On Thursday we did something called dog safety. two people named Nick and Michelle were the people who hosted the dog safety. They also had two dogs named chase and Fergie. so first they gave out a dog safety book it and on the first page it said the first golden rule which is to fold your arms and touch you elbows then put your feet next to each other and look down to your feet so that you look like a tree and when you are a tree because dogs think that trees are boring so now you seem boring to the dog so it will just go away from you and on the next page it said that you can only pat them on the back and the side because if you touch them on the head or chin they get annoyed and might want to bit you. Then on the next few pages it showed yes,no or maybe question so the book asks us questions and we put our hands up down or middle which is maybe and you must already know what the other two are.
Term 2 was even more better than term 1 because we got to do art, more better reading and better writing too. I really enjoyed art because what we got to draw with our deputy principal ms wrack was a cat sitting on a fence it sounds funny but it is actually is um not really cool but is cool. I am looking forward to in term 3 is doing more art and games.
Today in my classroom we did a challenge with paper airplane. First we made our paper airplane to get ready for the ultimate race. My group was uh not so great and was not bad too. so then the race began it was not as exciting as im saying it but the race began it all started. my prediction was that it was just going to go super far and straight, but it just went around and came back to us most of the time my group threw the airplane. we only had two members because the other one was recording.
Last week golden state warriors won the NBA finals against the Cleveland cavaliers. it was so easy that the warriors got 4-0 that was how easy it was. they also got 108 wins and 85 lose.
Today in room 10 we made playdough with ms wrack. we had lots of fun because of all the things that we got to do, like pouring the flour, mixing and kneading the playdough at the end of making the playdough. we also had a challenge for who will last longer because ms rack said it could get dry pretty fast who will win? nobody know's i guess we have to figure it out next time we are with ms wrack. i had lots of fun and wanted to do this again because that's how fun it was.
Talofa lava my name is Logan. My culture is Samoan but I grew up in New Zealand and I have 4 brothers and my mum and dad and my grandparents. I am 8 years old. My favorite sport is basketball. I am a GTS students, year 4 and in room 10.
I am good at reading i love to read it my second favorite subject. My first favorite subject is maths I really enjoy maths it just something super fun to do. My challenge is writing it something very hard to do when your left handed. My goals are to learn my division get better at writing.
I want to achieve my goals witch is getting better in writing and I want to learn my division in my math. I am inspired by three of my friends Harry, Zaw Min Oo they and Hein really help me im my math reading and writing i'm just so thankful to have a friends like them. i am looking forward to all of the fun stuff that we might have in school.
This is the Culture Festival this was last week.
They all where very good performers. But we all know that the Samoan group was the best along with zumba group right.