Talofa lava my name is Logan. My culture is Samoan but I grew up in New Zealand and I have 4 brothers and my mum and dad and my grandparents. I am 8 years old. My favorite sport is basketball. I am a GTS students, year 4 and in room 10.
I am good at reading i love to read it my second favorite subject. My first favorite subject is maths I really enjoy maths it just something super fun to do. My challenge is writing it something very hard to do when your left handed. My goals are to learn my division get better at writing.
I want to achieve my goals witch is getting better in writing and I want to learn my division in my math. I am inspired by three of my friends Harry, Zaw Min Oo they and Hein really help me im my math reading and writing i'm just so thankful to have a friends like them. i am looking forward to all of the fun stuff that we might have in school.