
Friday, 29 June 2018

Dog Safety

On Thursday we did something called dog safety. two people named Nick and Michelle were the people who hosted the dog safety. They also had two dogs named chase and Fergie. so first they gave out a dog safety book it and on the first page it said the first golden rule which is to fold your arms and touch you elbows then put your feet next to each other and look down to your feet so that you look like a tree and when you are a tree because dogs think that trees are boring so now you seem boring to the dog so it will just go away from you and on the next page it said that you can only pat them on the back and the side because if you touch them on the head or chin they get annoyed and might want to bit you. Then on the next few pages it showed yes,no or maybe question so the book asks us questions and we put our hands up down or middle which is maybe and you must already know what the other two are.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Term 2 Favorite Parts

Term 2 was even more better than term 1 because we got to do art, more better reading and better writing too. I really enjoyed art because what we got to draw with our deputy principal ms wrack was a cat sitting on a fence it sounds funny but it is actually is um not really cool but is cool. I am looking forward to in term 3 is doing more art and games.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Challenge Of The Paper Airplane

Today in my classroom we did a challenge with paper airplane. First we made our paper airplane to get ready for the ultimate race. My group was uh not so great and was not bad too. so then the race began it was not as exciting as im saying it but the race began it all started. my prediction was that it was just going to go super far and straight, but it just went around and came back to us most of the time my group threw the airplane. we only had two members because the other one was recording.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

golden winners!!

Last week golden state warriors won the NBA finals against the Cleveland cavaliers. it was so easy that the warriors got 4-0 that was how easy it was. they also got 108 wins and 85 lose.  Image result for golden state warriors transparent

Thursday, 7 June 2018

A Cat's Moment In Time

A Cat’s Moment In Time

I saw something moving and it looked like a creature coming from the rotten log
I saw the shiny beautiful moon going up to the sky
I heard something creeping up on me
I heard owls hooting all night long
I smelt smoke coming from people’s chimneys
I smelt the people making dinner in their house
I tasted smoke from the house next door
I tasted the yummy rotten fish
I wondered if the dog will chase me
I wondered if i will eat more fish bones


Friday, 1 June 2018

Making Playdough

Today in room 10 we made playdough with ms wrack. we had lots of fun because of all the things that we got to do, like pouring the flour, mixing and kneading the playdough at the end of making the playdough. we also had a challenge for who will last longer because ms rack said it could get dry pretty fast who will win? nobody know's i guess we have to figure it out next time we are with ms wrack. i had lots of fun and wanted to do this again because that's how fun it was.