
Friday, 6 December 2019

What Am I?

What Am I?

I can be very angry sometimes and can cause a lot of damage.You can come on me but beware, you could die. When I do get angry a lot of red can be seen. I am found in a lot of country's but mostly in the water. I make the floor shake so much it shakes the museum and I can't eat anything. What am I?

Guess what I am!
answers in the comments!

Expressive Poem

Expressive Poetry

Sometimes I am happy playing with my friends at school, 
We play games like tag and the floor is lava, 
other times we play sports like touch and basketball, 

we go back to class all sweaty waiting till lunch so we can play again.


Today I got a certificate for helping others. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2019


Roblox is a game with many games inside and you can make your own games
Oof is the sound that you make when you die
Blocks are used in making your game
Logan’s account on roblox is pooppooandmorepoo11
On Roblox you can play with your friends

Xanwood fedora is one of the many hats you can wear on Roblox.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

museum trip

Museum Trip 

On monday I went to the Museum for a trip. We explored the Museum, went inside the volcano room and played outside. Have you ever been to the Zoo?

On a very hot morning, I had to get up and get ready for my museum trip at school. So I got up and brushed my teeth, got ready at left. When I got to school I noticed that Maria (Mr Soks partner) was there. She was coming on the trip with us. I waited until the bell rang because I left my chromebook at home. When the bell rang we went to the court and walked to the bus. We hopped on the bus for the museum and off we went. I sat alone but I was okay with that. It wasn’t that long until we got there but when we did I was excited to see all of the new things they added.

When we got inside the museum I saw a bunch of things they didn’t change. There were a few new things they added and they looked amazing. I was walking around with my group we saw a lot of things and there were even sculptures with out clothes but I won’t say anymore about it. We saw some axes, sheilds, swords and armour it was fantastic. It was all going great until I noticed a volcano and I knew exactly what it was.

I ran up to the room and asked my group if we could go in there. They said yes so we went inside. I liked this part because there is a house there which is called “the volcano room”. It’s not a very bright name but the name wasn’t important what was important was what is inside the room. My group had to wait for another group to go out but it wasn’t that long until it was our turn. After they left we went in but I noticed we were the only people who went in. I was just being normal and wasn’t scared until the news turned on. There was another screen with smoke coming towards us, I got scared so I hugged Mr Soks leg. I let go but when I did the tv turned off the lights switched on and off and the smoke covered the whole screen. The room shook twice so I got scared. A volcano appeared on the screen and so did a man he was talking about something I wasn’t listening but later we left.

When we were done exploring we went outside with Marias group to play. We ran around, played tag, wet each other and climbed on top of the canons. It was fun and while we were playing with each other. I got scared to walk on the edge of the canon so I jumped off. When we finished playing we lined up and went on the bus. This time I wasn’t sitting alone but even if I was, I would be okay because I get more space to lie down or put my feet up. We got back to school when it was almost finished. When school ended, I ran to my car and did what I always do, complain about picking up my cousin every day because she finishes at 3:20.

In conclusion, my favorite part was the volcano room because of how scared we were. I felt even more tired than the zoo because I had to walk even more. If you have been to the Zoo, what was your favorite part?. Imagine if the volcano room actually was a volcano. Imagine what would've happened if it erupted.

My Friends

My Friends

I have 3 friends.  There names are Hein, Zaw Min Oo and Harry.

My first friend that I had was Hein.  I met him in room 17 when we were doing math.  I also met Zaw Min Oo in room 17 but I met Hein first. Hein is kind, funny and smart. 

My second friend is Zaw Min Oo.  I met him in room 17 when we were doing writing.  Zaw min oo is kind, short and funny.

My last friend that I met is Harry.  I met Harry in room 1 when Zaw min oo introduced my to Harry.  Harry is smart and knows all his times table, fast and short.

Those are my 3 best friends.

The Beach

 The Beach

I saw the beautiful, blue ocean and my family playing inside it.
I felt the burning, boiling hot sand beneath my feet.
I heard the birds singing and the kids playing.`
I smelt the yummy, delicious food coming from the barbecue.
 I felt scared inside like I was going to drown in the warm ocean because I can’t swim.


Yucky Zombie Burger Ingredients



Mince - brains
Oil - slime
Egg - spiders
Salt - snot
Pepper - eyeball grease
Garlic - sand

Octopus ink
Rotten buns

  • Pan 
  • Bowel
  • Grill


  1. First get your grill and preheat it to high heat.
  2. Next get your large bowl and mix your brain, spiders, snot eyeball grease and sand with your hands and form it into a circle to make your zombie burger pattie.
  3.  Afterwards lightly oil the grill with your slime. Grill the patty for 5 minutes on each side.
  4. Then grab your rotten buns and spread your octopus ink on. Next place the patty on with the blood, vomit and dust. Then put the other rotten bun on top.
  5. Finally enjoy your burger with some disgusting brain juice.

Three little pigs

Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there lived three little pigs. Their names were Horace, Boris and Percy. They were too old to live with their mum so they packed their bags. Their mum told them to be careful of the big bad wolf. They said “we aren’t scared”, and on they went on their adventure.

After a long walk Horace found a nice spot to make his house. He decided to make his house out of straw because he lived next to a lot of straw.
Later Boris found a beautiful spot in the woods to make his house. Since there was a mountain full of sticks he made his house out of the brown sticks.

After an even longer walk Percy found an amazing clear spot with nothing near to build his house. He saw a tunnel that had of bricks so he made his house out of bricks.

The next day Horace heard a knock on his door, so he looked through the keyhole and saw the furry grey big bad wolf. The big bad wolf threatened to blow his house down if he doesn't open the door. Horace didn’t open up so the wolf huffed and puffed and blew his house down! Horace ran as fast as he could to Boris's house and the wolf followed.

Horace and Boris hid inside the stick house but again the wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down. The two of them sprinted to Percy’s house and hid inside. The wolf followed and huffed and puffed but the house didn’t blow down. The wolf went up to the chimney and fell down. He burned in fire while the three pigs watched. They made an even bigger house and lived happily ever after.  

Sensory Poem

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GTS Sensory Poem

Taste - I tasted the cold fresh water in my mouth.

Hear - I heard the wind blowing the leaves on the trees.

Smell - I smelt yucky  rotten disgusting food items.

Felt - I felt the hard spiky grass touching my hands.

See - I saw the clouds moving in the beautiful blue sunny sky.

Monday, 2 December 2019


 During Diwali people use colored sand to decorate their doorway so it can look pretty. Also people who celebrate Diwali go to a temple to pray. People then buy new clothes for them to wear during Diwali. Lastly people forgive each other and forget all the bad things they have done to each other and start over again.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Zoo sences

Zoo Senses

I saw a Baboons pink beautiful butt and a gigantic Lion sitting down.
I heard a bird chirping and flying everywhere.
I smelt nice poo from the animals.
I touched a big fluffy pig.
I tasted my delicious food in my mouth.

At the end of the day I felt tired because we had to walk a lot.

Athletics day

Last week we did athletics. I didn't place in activities but I was still proud of myself.

Friday, 22 November 2019

Two Little Samoans

Two Little Samoans

Once upon a time there lived Two little samoas named Sargent and Logan. Their mother said, “You are too ugly and old to live with your parents, gap it”. They packed their bags and called a uber to the airport. They hopped on a plane to Samoa and ate a lot of food on the plane. When they got to Samoa they didn’t have a house.

Sargent found some piliki and decided he was going to make his house out of piliki. He spent all his spare time on building it. Piliki after piliki after piliki after piliki! Until he finally finished his fale. He read a book inside his house when a turtle threatened to use his laser eyes and burn down his house down if he didn’t open the faitotoa. Sargent refused so the turtle used his laser eyes and poof! his fale burnt down. Sargent barely made it out alive and ran to his brother Logan to see what he built.

When Sargent got to logan he had only made a little fale out of straw but little did they know the turtle followed them. Sargent ran in and thought they were going to die so the turtle threatened to burn the house down with his laser eyes if he didn’t open the door. Like Sargent did Logan refused to open the faitotoa so the turtle used his laser eyes. But the pale didn’t burn down and turtle was furious. So he ran away and the turtle has never been seen since.

Friday, 15 November 2019

Maniakalani Film Festival

On Wednesday, we went to Sylvia Park Hoyts to watch some Maniakalani Film Festival.
I liked Room 9's Film because he worked hard to get a better mark on his grade. 

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Zoo Senses

Zoo Senses

I saw a Baboons pink beautiful butt and a gigantic Lion sitting down.
I heard a bird chirping and flying everywhere.
I smelt nice poo from the animals.
I touched a big fluffy pig.
I tasted my delicious food in my mouth.
At the end of the day I was tired because we had to walk a lot.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Rubbish Free

Room 8 is going rubbish free and will be taking our litter home.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Volume Strategy

In Room 8 we learned about Volume. This is my strategy.  

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Math Strategies About Area

                 1. counting in 1.

                   2. skip counting.

                  3. Times table.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Cross Country

Today we did
Cross Country and I got a participation certificate.  I don't know what place I came but I still tried my best in my running.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Class Heights

Thursday, 22 August 2019

I Want To Be A Computer Scientist

I Want To Be A Computer Scientist

I want to be the best computer scientist because I like working
on computers and technology. The skills you need to be a
computer scientist are analytical skills, problem-solving skills,
creativity, critical-thinking skills and resilience. I am going to
be a data scientist. As a data scientist you have to have
amazing eyes.

A data scientist is someone who knows how to extract
meaning from and interpret data, which requires both tools
and methods from statistics and machine learning, as well
as being human. She spends a lot of time in the process of
collecting, cleaning, and munging data, because data is
never clean.

The problem in becoming a data scientist are: viruses might
be too hard to take out. Trying not to get fired. I would have
to wear glasses. 

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

I Achieved Pen!

In Room 8, I achieved getting pen. I was happy because not that much people have pen im my class room.

My Comic Narrative

Monday, 19 August 2019


Wednesday, 14 August 2019


In GTS we have kiwi sports and our kiwi sports is boxing!
We learned how to stand, wall, jab, cross, hook and uppercut.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Hour Of Code!

In Room 8, we are learning to code. We see coding in video games, electronics and animations. We coded a game called Minecraft on Hour of Code.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Term 3 goal

In term 3 I want to show the
school value of Excellence by
trying my best in all subjects.

Thursday, 4 July 2019


in room 8 we made play dough. I made a ninja.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Samoan Trip!

Samoa Trip

At the start of 2019, my family and I went on a trip to Samoa.  When we got on the
plane I was so excited because it was my first time on a plane.  While we were on the
plane we got rice, chicken and pumpkin. After I finished eating I took a little nap for
about 30 minutes. Most of the time I was there I was on my dads phone playing games. 

When we finally landed at Samoa the ocean looked amazing and the air was hot. 
when we finally got out of security we met at cousins who we're already there.
When we got the van that we paid for in New Zealand we had to go drop off our
grandparents at my papa's village. After we dropped them off we went to Travelers
Point which is what our hotel is called.

When we saw the hotel I was so surprised by how big the place was.
First thing that I did was go into my room, unpack then go in the pool.
The pool was so cold but it got warmer by the minute. Afterwards I went
shower to get all the pool water off me because I wasn’t even aloud in the pool.

At Samoa we did a lot of fun stuff. Like the time we went to our papa’s village and
slept there. Or that other time we went to the beach. how could I forget my favorite
part when we went to one of the biggest resorts in Samoa with our other cousins.
I felt happy because of all the things we did. Have you ever been to Samoa?

Monday, 1 July 2019


in room 8 we made slime. I made slime with Sione, Soane and Vake. Our slime was purple.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Equation Of The Day!

In class, Mr Sok gave us an equation for each group and we had to make different ways to do that equation.  my equation was 3 x 12.

Friday, 21 June 2019


In Room 8 we got pictures from the internet and out lined them with google drawing curved lines and I drew a Lamborghini, Naruto and Cuddle Buddy Leader from Fortnite.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Iron Man Art

in class we had to make a art piece only using shapes. I made a iron man vs the bad guy in iron man 1, Obadiah stane.

Friday, 10 May 2019

Wednesday, 8 May 2019