
Thursday, 30 April 2020

Google Site

Yesterday I made a google site. I named it Home Learning Logan.
Google Sites - Wikipedia

World War Hulk

Today I read the book Word War Hulk. It is about Hulk getting sent to space by his friends. He then makes new friends and they help him fight his old friends. Until a hero stronger than the hulk came and finised him and his team.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

T2 Maths

Today we did maths on google drawing. We had to do subtraction and addition.

Q&A For Kiwi Can

  • What’s the THEME for this week and what does it mean?
  • What’s the topic?
  • What’s the catchphrase?
  • What is a goal?
  • Why are goals important?
  • What can you do when reaching a goal gets tough?
  • COMPLETE THE TASK FROM THE VIDEO (on the same google doc)!!!
  • In your own words, explain how RESILIENCE relates to our school values of FIRE & ACE?

  1. Resilience and it means to try your best and never give up.
  2. The topic was understanding emotions.
  3.  Kiwi can says: emotions are very real to understand how you feel.
  4. A goal is something you really want or something you want to achieve in life.
  5. Goals are important because they help you work harder to  achieve things in life.
  6. If you ever have a goal but it's too tough then don’t be scared to ask somebody for help .
  7. Ok fine .
  8. Resilience relates to fire and ace because ace is just like resilience because trying your best is like achieving in ace. Also never giving up is like integrity in fire.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Day 8 Positive Vibes Challenge

Today we did another positive vibes challenge about Martin Luther King jr. Here is my slide about Martin Luther King jr.

Y6 Word Problems

Today we found a way to make minuses easier. Here are the questions we had and my answers.

Worth Her Weight In Gold

Today for our activity we did a brochure about a country. I did mine about Samoa and this is it.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Day 7 Positive Vibes Challenge

Today we did our positive vibes challenge on famous failures. Here is my slide for day 7 positive vibes challenge.

What's In A Name?

Today we did an activity where we could change our name to anything. My name is now Liam Smith and here is why I would change my name to Liam Smith.

Monday, 6 April 2020

Follow Up Y6 Math Work

Today we watch a video on how to make whole numbers. We did a google drawing worksheet on it. Here is my work sheet for today.

Achieve Your Dreams

Today we had to make a poster about one of your friends or family members dream job.  My brother wants to be a musician, here is the poster I made on his dream job.

Friday, 3 April 2020

Defying The Odds

Today we did another summer learning journey activity about basketball players. here is the activity I did.

Thursday, 2 April 2020

3 Superpowers

Today we chose what 3 superpowers we would have. these are the 3 superpowers I chose for this activity.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Day 3 Positive Vibes challenge

Today we made a slide about 2 songs. Battle cry by Shontelle and Epic by R Kely. This is my slide for day 3 positive vibes challenge.